30th September 2024

Search Chipping Campden Town Council

Chipping Campden Town Council Serving the people of Chipping Campden


Room Size

Upper Room: Approx size of room 15.3 x 6.5m
Accommodating Max 100 people (eighty seated and up to 20 standing)
Lower Room: Approx size of room 9.0m x 6.3m
Accommodating 40 max people (32 seated and up to eight standing)

Seats / Tables

Upper Room: 10 Long folding tables stored on trolley
20 Small square tables stacked rear of room
80 Chrome padded chairs stacked rear of room
Lower Room: 1 Wooden table
11 Folding tables on trolley
10 small square tables
32 Black padded chairs
All stored at the rear of the room

Heating / Cooling

Gas Central heating radiators with room thermostat and individual radiator controls in both rooms.

Electrical Sockets

6 double sockets in upper room.
4 double sockets in lower room.


All toilets are on the ground floor. One disabled access unisex cubicle, hand-basin, baby change facilities. One male toilet facility with toilet, urinal and hand basin.
Lower Room: two ladies' toilets at the rear of the hall.

Car Parking

Free parking available on the High Street with paid parking in the adjacent Town Square Car Park.


Electric cooker with halogen hob , dishwasher, Fridge, Sink, hot water urn, two electric kettles, microwave oven. Cutlery, glasses and assorted crockery and cooking implements. Kitchen adjoins lower hall with serving hatch and has a dumb waiter to serve the upper hall.

Last updated: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 14:37