30th September 2024

Search Chipping Campden Town Council

Chipping Campden Town Council Serving the people of Chipping Campden



Chipping Campden Town Council is continuing to monitor water levels around town.

Residents in flood-risk areas are encouraged to make precautionary plans and guidance can be found using the following link: https://www.gov.uk/prepare-for-flooding

A flood alert service can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings

Water levels seem stable at the moment, but should substantial flooding... Read More »

Posted: Fri, 27 Sep 2024

Tags: News

Campden Bulletin - Minutes of Town Council Meetings

Please note: Minutes, appearing in the Campden Bulletin, of town council meetings are not supplied by the council.

Posted: Fri, 27 Sep 2024

Tags: News

Interim External Examiner Review 2024

Interim External Examiner Review 2024

Posted: Wed, 25 Sep 2024

Tags: News

Road Closure - Kingcombe Road, Chipping Campden - 30 September 2024

Kingcombe Road, Chipping Campden, will be closed for one day, starting w/c 30th September 2024, to enable Pre Surface Dressing Patching works.

Posted: Thu, 19 Sep 2024

Tags: News

Check Voter Registration Details

Check Voter Registration Details

Posted: Tue, 17 Sep 2024

Tags: News

HIGHWAYS Issues - new way to report

HIGHWAYS Issues - new way to report

Posted: Tue, 17 Sep 2024

Tags: News

Police Surgery Dates

Police Surgery Dates

Posted: Fri, 13 Sep 2024

Tags: News

ROAD CLOSURE - Station Road - 1 to 2 October 2024

Station Road, Chipping Campden

This road will be closed (as per the attached plan) from 01/10/24 to 02/10/24 (22:50 to 05:00 only) to allow for level crossing maintenance work by Network Rail.

Emergency and pedestrian access will NOT be maintained.

If you should require further information please email streetworks@gloucestershire.gov.uk

Posted: Thu, 15 Aug 2024

Tags: News

Resignation of Councillors - Right to Request Seats Filled by Election

Resignation of Councillors - Right to Request Seats Filled by Election

Posted: Thu, 25 Jul 2024

Tags: News



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there are THREE vacancies in the Office of Councillor for Chipping Campden Town Council that can be filled by co-option, rather than a formal election process.

Anyone interested in serving as a Town Councillor, will need to submit an expression of interest by 5:00p.m. on 4 September 2024. Supporting statements are encouraged, on no more than one... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 24 Jul 2024

Tags: Elections, News, Services

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