30th September 2024

Search Chipping Campden Town Council

Chipping Campden Town Council Serving the people of Chipping Campden

Chipping Campden Neighbourhood Plan

The Chipping Campden Neighbourhood Plan has been developed by the Town Council following input from local organisations and residents. The neighbourhood plan contains a number of aspirations for the Town and Community, and its purpose is to serve as a planning tool to guide planners in making decisions that affect Chipping Campden.

The residents, businesses, organisations and land-owners of the Town and Community are invited to comment on the current draft of the Neighbourhood Development Plan from 8th April to 22nd May 2022. Please note that the Council will not respond to these comments but they will be collected and passed on to our contracted planning expert who will then redraft the NDP in the light of these comments. The redrafted NDP will then be sent to Cotswold District Council who will, in turn, send the NDP to an Independent Examiner (an expert in planning) who will decide if the NDP can proceed to a referendum. If it is approved you will then have the opportunity to vote for whether you wish to accept it or not.

Please note that if adopted, the NDP is not a once-and-for-all document, but may be altered at a later date if the public should wish for that.

The NDP and the associated documents may be accessed by clicking the links below. The council have a limited number of hard copies which can be sent out to those that require them (please request via the town clerk) and copies will be available to read in the library and the visitor information centre.

Paper response forms have been sent out with the Bulletin, but we would encourage you to use the electronic response form by clicking the Survey Link below:

Last updated: Fri, 05 Apr 2024 20:49